lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017


Job Interview By Darío

An Interview is so important for everyone, it is a stressful moment for the applicants  and if the interview is in foreign language the level of stress is higher, for that reason exist particular aspect to take account, for example:

First: know clearly about the Job Vacancy
Second: Have a broad verbal strength
Fourth: Good skills in social relationships
Fifth: A vision

Exist differents questions which are usually used in an interview, it is a good strategy train our brain to differents scenery. With this video is possible to learn about common questions.

Talking about previous experience and employment history

Talk about qualifications for a job
Use vocabulary and expressions to talk about previous working experience
Use get with different meaning and in colloquial expressions
Use gerunds after prepositions
(UNAD, 2017)

Verb Get
Meaning 1
Acquire, receive, take something. 
She got many balls in the center park
He got that shoes from his mother

Meaning 2: become, change into a different state:
It is getting late, let´s go now
He got angry when he arrived late

Meaning; Arrive or reach a destination
She arrived to Ibaguè today in the morning.
I will get Job interview at half past six.

Meaning 4
Get: Bring back or hand something to someone else.
Get  me that paper
Get me the notebook

Meaning 5
Get: go through a mental  or physical experience
We got a brilliant idea
I get dizzy whe I was travelling from Ataco to Ibagué

Meaning 6
Get = contract an illness or disease:
She got a cold because she run under rain the last Sunday.
They got Chicongunña in Huila


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